Thanksgiving day

I had the opportunity to celebrate Thanksgiving day many years ago in the States. It dates back in 1621, when the Plymouth colonists and Wampanoag Native Americans shared an autumn harvest feast that is acknowledged today as one of the first Thanksgiving celebrations in the colonies. Nowadays, it is the perfect occasion for families to … Continue reading Thanksgiving day

Culture and breakfast

“The Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast”. Peter Drucker. Corporate culture is defined as: “the beliefs and behaviors that determine how a company's employees and management interact and handle outside business transactions”. So, in the end, everything comes to people, teams and individuals. Each with its own roadmap, goals, but with a common sharing of beliefs … Continue reading Culture and breakfast

Script: from scratch or rewritten

When someone else has already walked a path, it’s easy to feel tempted by the opportunity to take what was done, and rewrite it, give our style, flavor and that is it. But it is all about the details why, when in what circumstances was the exercise performed, what was the motivation behind those words? … Continue reading Script: from scratch or rewritten

Staring at it won’t make it go away

This morning on my weekly running, I came across a girl who was staring at her bike. Apparently she was having a hard time with its chains. On my way back, she was still in the same position, staring, same angle, same look on her face and not trying anything ay all... We can get … Continue reading Staring at it won’t make it go away

Taking care of our Social relationships

We have a limited amount of time during the day. We need to provide food for ourselves, have restorative sleep, ... If we want to make our relationships worthwhile, we need to dedicate them, time. The more is invested in relationships, the less can be dedicate to all the rest of the activities. So, on … Continue reading Taking care of our Social relationships