Staring at it won’t make it go away

This morning on my weekly running, I came across a girl who was staring at her bike. Apparently she was having a hard time with its chains.

On my way back, she was still in the same position, staring, same angle, same look on her face and not trying anything ay all…

We can get stuck when trying to solve a problem and stare at it for a while. After that, we need to change our visual angle, try at least something (even if it might not work), or ask for help. Probably, there will be someone who knows how it can be fixed, have different approach or at least a slight idea of where to start from.

Staring at something for ages, not even changing the way we are trying to solve it, will not make it solve by itself, will not disappear. Magic does not exist it is made to happen.

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